
Showing posts from July, 2014

#HappyBirthday; New age

I can’t believe all my favorite musicians don’t have birthday tracks (Drakey!), Birthday sex by Jeremih seems very inappropriate so I would just manage Drake's second verse on TC and Katy Perry’s birthday track. Anyway, since it is my birthday today, I just really want to show #Gratitude, I am feeling extra grateful today. Ya Allah, Thank u! Thank u!! Thank u!!! Thank u for an additional year of life that u gave to me, I’m very grateful for all the things and people that have been coming my way Thank u for my family who loves me without condition, they have even accepted that I don’t understand the concept of ‘mobile’ phone Thank u for all of my friends, who understand and appreciate me even on my ‘shoko’ days, who have sincerely added to my values and who, because of them I have been pushing boundaries. Well, lets not forget the ones that do ‘yimu’ behind my back. Thank you for the friends that believe in me, thereby making me believe in myself. Thank you for the n...

Cheaters, Good girls and Karma....

Karma; A good girl's bestie. The question ‘why men cheat’ has become boring because they say it is inbred, it is already in their genetic arrangement; very lame answer by the way. Cheating in the general sense is not the issue today (breath easy.. lool). I understand a man cheating on a not so good woman but what about the good ones, the ones that are a dime, the ride or die chick, why cheat on them ? Firstly I would never really understand the male species, at least when it comes to their libido.  A woman can be perfect with capital letter P , Beyoncé look alike , Alakija mind set, cooks like crazy  , very open minded in bed (she even does the Chinese handcuff style just for him ), faithful and yet, he would still do a full 360 and cheat on her with someone totally opposite of her every time. Why? I have an answer to that; it is just plain stupidity and sheer immaturity. A man cheating on a good girl is not a reflection on anything the girl is doing or not doing, a man ...

32 Rules We Probably Didn't Learn in School : An extract from Dumbing down our kids- Charles Sykes..

You know how before you graduate we have all this expectations, we are like ‘ I am going to work in a big firm, Chevron, Shell and the likes, well it isn't always like that except your papa is Dangote or your mama is Alakija (Dj Exclusive, caps off!) . I am not saying we shouldn't have dreams, it is stupid and absurd telling someone their dreams aren't valid because God forbid they actually believe you, you aren't going to heaven !. My friend always put up this quote “Dream dreams that would blow your mental fuse”, Okay, calm down! I swear i love the quote, I just think it is not enough. I am not a pessimist,  actually  a very optimistic minded individual but I always say being realistic gives you a better view of things and an actual working mind. as opposed to having your heads in the cloud . I think year 2012 Bill Gates allegedly rendered a speech to an out going set in high school, he supposedly talked about 11 things we never actually learn in ...

GRATITUDE; the way to getting more magically.

Whoever has will be given more, and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him                                                                                                           Unknown My best quote for now That is a quote that has been around over the years, and what it is referring to is GRATITUDE (the state of being grateful, appreciation, thankful for the tings we have), it has been passed fro...

Real friends versus Social friends: The blurred lines..

Shutterstock So I still have a lot of pending friend request on Facebook (and to think I have been on that site 4yrs and counting)  and as I was about to click ‘confirm’ I thought ‘ how many of my Facebook friends do I know or do I really even interact with and those that I interact with, how many of them do I regard as ‘’tube friends’ or ‘ Bra friends’. Let me explain, bra for us ladies are VERY important, they give our boobs support through out our life time, in our saggy period we look to them to make us look hot and they sometimes, infact every time raise our self esteem (you know what I am talking about) ,they kip our heads up. The tube function I think is to create support too, yes! But it is a temporary kind of support. Its function can not be compared to the bra. Back to friends, t here are different groups of "friends" that one can call friend (if you will) on social networks because the ‘Kaffy O and Philip O are now friends’ notification on the wall doesn’t...

50 things you should probably know.

Life is hard enough already, I have learnt you have to be realistic to survive and avoid heartbreaks (especially if you have a fragile heart)…… 50 things I have learnt, both the hard way and the easy way,personally and from afar. I've learnt that broken trust can be fixed but like a broken mirror, you can still see the cracks. I‘ve learnt that shit really happens ,get over it! I’ve learnt that if life doesn’t screw with you today, relax! There is still tomorrow. I've learnt that it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts. I've learnt that you can get by on looks and charm for about 30 minutes. After that, you'd better know something! I‘ve learnt that being humble doesn’t work as well as being aware. I‘ve learnt that money really can solve most problems. I’ve learnt that money can’t solve the most important problems. I've learnt that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best yo...


Agbubaniros in the building!!! ( I didn't watch that Dele Odule film but the advert still cracks me up) . There is now a lot of hype for NYSC Batch B(we are that special?), anyways I don't have the experience yet but I have friends with the experience. We already know what we should be taking to camp when it comes to our official papers, if not,click the link below and tada ! If you are like me that likes to pack everything when travelling, I came across some awesome write ups and compiled my own list with girly pictures; here are the things that you should really pack (you are going to be carrying your luggage on you head;heavy or light!) PART 1 1). after getting your NYSC State Code Number, you can proceed to claim your NYSC Kit and Mattress after which you can proceed to get a Room. After you have gotten your kit and secured a place in the hostels, you can settle down and you are g...