15 Things Only an INFJ Understands: The lazy perfectionists

She said “Darling, please make enough money for us to leave on”
“Why” he asked
“I just want to change the world”
She replied

Have you ever felt like you understand everyone but no one ever truly understands you but most people claim they do …… but they usually don’t !

Crazy is the fact that sometimes you don’t understand yourself too even when you do…. Does that make sense? …. No?.... Yes?.......errrr……
We are that complicated

I live mostly in my head because I don’t pay rent, most days I feel i haven’t done anything in life and I am not able to live in the moment, only for me to check my best friends post on instagram saying she is proud of me… of what ??

In my opinion, I have a good sense of who I am, what I am about and what matters to me. This post is for us ‘INFJians’ looking to connect. Hopefully we all find comfort in the fact that we are not alone even when we are alone in our heads. These are 15 Things only an INFJ (The Lazy Perfectionist) understands

  1. You like your rooms and personal space dark and closed off. Bright and bubbly colors turns you off. Dark and depressing is your go to theme. Despite the fact dark is your go to, you also appreciate bright and beautifully things. You value aesthetic things.
  2. You don’t believe the world is black or white. You like to give everything the benefit of doubt; you like to experience things on your own before categorizing it.
  3. you realize your brain is faster than your fingers so you always have to proof read so many times 
  4. You have a lot of grand ideas about how you want to change the world, so many comes to you frequently that you end up not doing them because you can’t single handedly decide which one to embark on first because they all seem important.
  5. You have great potentials and you don’t know what to do with them exactly
  6. You have issues doing anything that will benefit you long term. You want to LIVE, you want to help others and anything asides from that just seem unnecessary and boring. You want to match to the beat of your own drum and you really can’t understand other people’s sounds.   
  7. You question authority. 
  8. You look at random people and all you want to do is poke their brains and know how they operate.
  9. "Yes, let’s meet” You say yes to socializing and regret it immediately. You dress up to go but when you are about to step out you change your mind, you don’t pick their calls (because you absolutely dread lying or giving excuses) but you call them afterwards. If eventually you go…you are probably the life of the gathering (deep down, you are counting down to when it will be over).
  10. You are perceptive to some things yet oblivious to certain things.
  11. You don’t tell people your problems until they pressure you to. if they pressure you too much, it becomes much more better for you to keep it to yourself. 
  12. You mentally breakdown when the visions in your head doesn’t transcend to reality. You don’t know what to do with yourself when that happens.
  13. You hate people yet you want to please them. You find them fascinating yet exhausting.
  14. You can only function when you have explicitly stated out your plans yet you are in love with the idea of spontaneity. 
  15. You are constantly torn between wanting to be the BADA$$ people won’t fcck with and being the empathetic  soul everyone wants to come to.
  16. You underestimate yourself all the time and you always want to be someone else. 
  17. You fall in love with souls, not faces, so you don’t have a lot of friends.
  18. Your life quote is “sorry I missed your call. I was staring at the screen wondering why you couldn’t just send me a text”… you love your mobile phone for research, you just hate people calling it. 
  19. You would pick Nonso Amadi or Adekunle Gold or Simi or SZAs' concerts over Beyonce’s everytime but you have all of Beyonce’s songs on your phone.
  20. You are expressive and passionate and you want people to see that and appreciate  yet you are very private.
  21. You find comfort in people’s stories but not people.
  22. You take your time doing things but you lack patience.
I have been planning this post of a week with a lot and nothing to put together but because I am who I am I just can’t shut up now……. Those were 22 Things only an INFJ (The Lazy Perfectionist) understands

This is a reminder that you are awesome
Don’t let other personality types on social media intimidate you into extinction
You are creative, insightful, inspiring, passionate, altruistic, and WEIRD
OWN IT…(i heard we make up just 1% of the entire population).

Name an iconic personality type than this one .... I'll wait


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